

Lab Objective:

The objective of this lab exercise is for you to learn and understand how to configure a switch to be accessed remotely via Telnet. By default, you can telnet to a switch but cannot log in if no password has been set.

Lab Purpose:

Telnet access configuration is a fundamental skill. More often than not, switches are accessed and configured remotely via Telnet. As a Cisco engineer, as well as in the Cisco CCNA exam, you will be expected to know how to configure a switch to allow an administrator to log in via Telnet.

Certification Level:

This lab is suitable for both CCENT and CCNA certification exam preparation.

Lab Difficulty:

This lab has a difficulty rating of 4/10.

Readiness Assessment:

When you are ready for your certification exam, you should complete this lab in no more than 10 minutes.

Lab Topology:

Please use the following topology to complete this lab exercise:

Lab 50: Permitting Telnet Access to Catalyst IOS Switches 2

Task 1:

Configure hostnames on Sw1 and R1 as illustrated in the topology.

Task 2:

Create VLAN10 on Sw1 and assign port FastEthernet0/2 to this VLAN as an access port.

Task 3:

Configure IP address on R1’s FastEthernet0/0 interface and IP address on Sw1’s VLAN10 interface. Verify that R1 can ping Sw1, and vice versa.

Task 4:

Configure Telnet access to Sw1 using the password CISCO. The password is case-sensitive so take that into consideration in your configuration. Verify your configuration by creating a Telnet session from R1.

Configuration and Verification

Task 1:

For reference information on configuring hostnames, please refer to earlier labs.

Task 2:

For reference information on configuring and verifying VLANs, please refer to earlier labs.

Task 3:

For reference information on configuring IP interfaces and SVIs, please refer to earlier labs.

Task 4:

Sw1#conf t 
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CTRL/Z. 
Sw1(config)#line vty 0 15 
Sw1(config-line)#password CISCO 

NOTE: Most people forget the fact that switches typically have 16 VTY lines (numbered 0 to 15), unlike routers, which typically have five VTY lines (numbered 0 to 4). Take care to remember this when configuring switches, as you may leave some lines unsecured if you use line vty 0 on a router. We have already discussed that GNS3 has more VTY lines.

Trying ... Open 

User Access Verification 

